Thursday, May 8


Although your need to tirage time may be grateful that Blogger restricts posts to no more than five pictures at a time. I’ll just post twice.

Santa Croce was started in 1274. Its façade was last adjusted in the 19th century. It is a beautiful rambling structure and I wanted to show more than the entombments. It is filled with many frescoes including ones by Giotto. There are many works by Donatello. The paintings are…religious. It is here in 1497 that the Bonfires of the Vanities occurred. There are numerous attached cloisters and chapels, open grounds and walled gardens.

Your pictures are: the outside of Santa Croce, exterior ceiling detail surrounding the cloistered grounds, Pazzi chapel ceiling detail (outside the main church), one of the cloistered areas, and inside another cloister (now a museum).